Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Travel Club

At Orem 3 we started a travel club where residents are able to share their exciting travel stories. Many of them also share where else they would like to visit that they haven't yet. It's always fun to hear all of the adventurous stories and learn about new places. We've included pictures of a few places that have been visited by our residents.

Germany (while in the Air Force)

Montreal, Canada


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Balloon Badminton + Doris Day

Last week we played an always heated game of balloon badminton. It's amazing to see how much better everyone gets since the last time we played. The game has become one of the favorites. 

While taking a quick rest from balloon badminton, we decided to read up on Doris Day since we found out it was her birthday (April 3rd). She was among the favorites for many of the residents and we were impressed to learn that at 92 years old she was still spreading her talent throughout the world. Her most recent album, My Heart, was released just three years ago on September 5, 2011. It seemed to be unanimously decided that Doris Day continues to add to the legend she started many, many years ago.

On behalf of Doris Day and her 92nd birthday we've posted one of our all-time favorites of her music. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Provo Temple Progress

Last week we went on our bi-weekly van ride. This time we ventured to the Provo temples. We were able to view the old(er) Provo temple, and the one that is currently being built (the old tabernacle). It was fun to see the progress they've made since our last journey to see the progress of the new Provo temple. The exciting step they had made the day before we visited was the addition of the Angel Moroni. We were really amazed at how much beauty and appeal the gold Angel Moroni adds.

It was a wonderful trip and we were happy to be able to see the progress that has been made since our last trip.

It turned out to be quite the challenge to get a good picture, but here is one for your viewing pleasure!